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Pickleball, a new era is starting

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It's trending!

Pickle ball is a fun, fast-paced game that anyone can play. The continuous growth of this new sport in the US is enormous and as a result, many courts are being built around the country. 

Therefore, pickleball tournaments are starting to appear everywhere. It is likely that you don’t have court around you but, we are sure that in the near future you probably will. A new era is starting and this game is a trend.

So, it is a matter of time before it becomes as big as any other racquet sport. Now that you know Pickleball is becoming more extensive in the U.S., it is time for you to learn everything about it. Stay for more information about the game, which paddles to choose, the type of balls used, and more. We will tell you everything there is to know about this great sport.

Pickleball forehand

History of Pickle ball

The new trend is a racquet sport that was invented in 1965 in Washington state, USA. It was created by Joel Pritchard, a successful businessman, who in an old badminton court improvised with different equipment and a specific net set up to come up with the new game. Despite of being a considerately a recent sport, Pickleball has been gaining popularity over the last years because it’s easy to learn, inexpensive, and can be played by people of any age or athletic ability. In fact many amateur and professional tournaments are emerging all over the world.

What is Pickleball

Pickle ball is a very interesting sport with unique characteristics that make it appealing to a lot of players. It is a racquet sport with common grounds with tennis badminton and ping pong. However, it is an independent sport with its own rules and regulations as well as its own kind of equipment. Here are the three main aspects in which this new racquet sport differentiates itself from badminton and tennis. 

"Pickleball is a blend of tennis, table tennis, and a few other racquet sports. It’s very easy to learn and have fun playing pickleball, but not easy to master it. It’s very easy to improve and want to continue to play."

Ben Jhons

Differences among pickel ball, badminton, and tennis

The first difference lies in the net, even though the court is an exact match as the badminton court, the placement is different. In badminton, the net is placed higher up while in pickleball the net is only 36 inches high. 

The second area in which it differentiates itself is the paddles. Pickleball paddles are smaller than a tennis racquet but larger than a ping pong paddle. Originally, paddles were made from wood now they are made from different materials that make them lighter and more durable. Furthermore, the shape and size of a paddle are quite different from what we are used to with badminton and tennis as you can see in the image of pickleball paddles below. If you want to learn about paddles’ shapes, sizes, and more here is a great article. 

Last but not least, pickleballs. Pickle balls are perforated balls that can vary depending on if they are for indoor or outdoor courts. Indoor pickle balls have bigger holes than outdoor ones.

We made an article about the differences between pickleball and tennis for you. we hope you like it.

Pickleball court dimensions

The game is played on a court that’s 20 feet wide and 44 feet long. The net is 36 inches high at each end, and 34 inches high in the center.
You use perforated balls smaller than tennis balls, but larger than wiffle balls.

You need at least 2 players per court, but you can play as many as 4 players. This amazing new sport is a combination of tennis and badminton.

We won’t explain the entire rulebook, but we will give you a general idea about how to play this exciting new game and some of its most important rules to get you started. (Pss, just gotta hit the ball over the net)

Pickleball court

Pickleball court dimensions

The game is played on a court that’s 20 feet wide and 44 feet long. The net is 36 inches high at each end, and 34 inches high in the center.
You use perforated balls smaller than tennis balls, but larger than wiffle balls.

You need at least 2 players per court, but you can play as many as 4 players. This amazing new sport is a combination of tennis and badminton.

We won’t explain the entire rulebook, but we will give you a general idea about how to play this exciting new game and some of its most important rules to get you started. (Pss, just gotta hit the ball over the net)

Pickleball court

Pickleball rules

Serve rules

  • The serve is from the end line
  • Contact with the ball on the serve must be under the waist line
  • The receiver team may not return a service until it has bounced on the ground once. Same applies to the server team. The ball has to bounce once, before they can hit the first ball back after the serve. 
  • The service needs to be diagonally, just like in tennis, and there is only one attempt. No second serve 

Boundaries and scoring

  • Any ball that bounces on the boundary line is considered in.
  • There is a non-volley zone in the court of 7 feet on both sides of the net. You can not volley or smash, in this area, so you must hit your best shots from outside of this zone.
  • The first player to reach 11 points wins a game and must win by two points or more. Matches are typically played until one person has won three games.
  • Points are only scored by the serving team, meaning that to win a point you must be in the serving team, if you are in the receiving team, you must win a point on the serving turn of your opponent to take the service and start scoring points.

If you want to read the full rulebook of the USAPA (USA pickleball) you can read it here https://usapickleball.org/.

Who can play pickleball?

A great aspect of the new rising superstar is that it can be played by anyone, regardless of age or skill level. Yet, it is a sport that needs some kind of physical condition. It’s great way to spend time with your friends and family, exercise, and get some fresh air. Moreover, It is a great idea to get involved in the sport if you are looking to try something different from tennis or squash.

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    Pickleball equipment

    Do you want to know about the basic equipment needed to play? All you need to get started is a paddle for each pickleball player, a net, and pickleball balls and you are ready to go out there and have some fun. 

    pickleball paddles


    A pickleball paddle is something new. The pickleball paddles are similar to a ping pong paddle but a little bigger and of course stronger. For those who know about “Padel”, the paddle is in between a ping pong paddle and a Padel racquet. The best pickleball paddles are usually made from wood, fiberglass, graphite, composite materials, or plastic. They are typically made from more than one material to help make them last longer and provide better performance for the player. Here is a list of the best 5 paddles for beginners Nowadays, there are many different brands of paddles available on the market. Each one of them offers something different to their customers in terms of price, design/style, weight, and more. Some of the top paddle brands out there are Joola, Franklin, Selkirk, Onix, CRBN, Prolite, Paddeltek, Engage, GAMMA, Head, and many more.

    pattern visual
    pickleball paddle shapes


    Pickleball balls are unique in comparison to tennis or ping pong since they are perforated balls. Different models exist with different specifications for playing indoors or outdoors and they also come in different colors. For example,  orange, yellow and white are the most common colors available at stores. Outdoor pickleballs have small holes and are heavier to resist wind unlike indoor pickleballs which have larger holes and are lighter. 


    The pickleball nets are 36 inches high on the sidelines and 34 inches high in the center. Now, there are many portable nets models available in stores that you can get to use on any tennis court around you. They are easy to carry and build, however some of them can be quite expensive. If you want to know more about portable nets and find the one that adjusts to your budget, we tell you everything HERE

    Frequently asked questions

    Most common questions answered for you.

    What is Pickleball?

    Pickleball is a very interesting sport with unique characteristics that make it appealing to a lot of players. It is a racquet sport with common grounds with tennis badminton and ping pong. However, it is an independent sport with its own rules and regulations as well as its own kind of equipment

    How to play pickleball?

    To play pickleball you need to hit the balls back and forth over the net. To start a point you need to serve the ball over the net from the end line. Hitting outside the lines will make you lose the point.

    Why is it called pickleball?

    According the to U.S.A. Pickleball Association, the origins of the name differs between different accounts. 

    Joel Pritchard’s wife, Joan, started to call their game pickleball because “the combination of different sports reminded me of the pickle boat in crew where oarsmen were chosen from the leftovers of other boats.” But according to Barney McCallum, they named the game after Pritchard’s dog, who was (as you might’ve guessed) named Pickles!

    Is pickleball hard on joints?

    Unfortunately, playing on hard courts stoping running and moving side to side can be a little hard on your knees. A great way to minimize this is proper warm ups, stretching and adequate equipment.

    What is the best surface to play pickleball on?

    Concrete: This type of outdoor court surface is the best in terms of both durability and value. In addition to this, concrete is the official surface of the PPA tournaments.

    Pickleball is gaining popularity because it’s easy to play, low impact and appeals to a wide range of people, from kids to senior citizens. Most people who have played raquet sports, learn pickleball easily.

    When was pickleball invented?

    Pickleball is a racquet sport that was invented in 1965 in Washington state, USA

    How big is a pickleball court?

    The game is played on a court that’s 20 feet wide and 44 feet long. The net is 36 inches high at each end, and 34 inches high in the center.